Friday, March 28, 2014

I broke down...

So I told you I would be completely honest and I like to stay true to my word.  Last night I broke!  I have been so committed to this transformation and it has been exceptional in so many ways already,but turns out I'm not made of steel...I'm human, and my human deficiencies reared their ugly head last night!!

Here's the deal (and my laundry list of excuses why this happened ;-)  I like to support my niece and I like cookies, so each year we buy a few boxes of those darling little purple boxes carrying heavens love in the form of Samoa's!  My Lord those things are good!!  The problem is I am in the middle of getting in the absolute best shape of my life right? And they don't factor in to the equation so I have been choosing not to have them right now, the only problem is at this moment in time I didn't follow my own advice!  You see, (here come the excuses) I was tired from being up all night with one of the kids, I was hungry because I was not paying attention to the clock and let too much time pass between meals, and ultimately I was simply lazy and didn't take the time to follow my own advice - Stop, Challenge, Choose.  I was upset with myself but the most beautiful thing about life is that every second that passes is a chance to start FRESH!!

That's exactly what I'm doing, life is full of choices and when that was done I had a choice as to how I'd respond, and here's what I decided to do...
I stopped (the madness ;-), challenged (myself to make a better decision), and I chose not to dwell on it, but rather to learn from it and move forward in a positive light.

Life is full of ups and downs, and girl scout cookie season, so don't ever forget that each passing moment is a chance to do something better than you did before.  It's not always easy but it certainly is a lot more fun than wallowing in self pity isn't it?

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